The Hanwell Park Project
Building and Re-building of Castles in the Early Modern Period and the
Changing Cultural Identities of the Elite. Back to Introduction and Contents
Fig. 1 Cowdray House, Great Hall and Porch in 1859
‘decline’ of the castle in the early modern period is a much debated
phenomenon. Twentieth century studies produced accounts based on
changing military technology and the social and political circumstances
of the elite. Whilst acknowledging some fanciful elements in their
construction earlier accounts maintained some sort of military role for
castles in the late fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. More recent
studies have further downplayed the defensive properties of
sites and have focussed on issues of power and display to explain the
continuing popularity of military forms into the sixteenth century and
beyond. Whilst acknowledging this we will attempt to show that on-going
concerns for personal and familial security in the early modern period
meant a continuing interest in maintaining a ‘strong house’.
English Civil War has a lot to answer not least for the way in which
its aftermath coloured popular perceptions of castles and affected the
paradigms used by twentieth century castellographers. Such was the
scale of destruction wrought at the end of the conflict
1994) with the ‘ruined’ castle as the norm it is easy to see how, in
popular imagination, castles as a class of monument are often regarded
as failures. Almost by definition a castle in ruins has failed in its
primary duty of keeping the enemy out. Small wonder then that the
historiography of later castles has viewed this almost as a time of
terminal illness and that M.W. Thompson should entitle his volume ‘The
Decline of the Castle’ rather than the evolution or metamorphosis or
even triumph of the castle. The difficulty that Thompson, and other
twentieth century writers had was with their very narrow functionalist
view of castles. Thompson writes about, ‘the final period of the
castle’s history when function played less and less part and display or
even fantasy ever more part in the minds of the builders’ (Thompson
1987: vii) as if display were not a function in its own right. The
supremacy of the castle as military hardware was powerfully challenged
in a series of works in the 1990’s with the analysis of Bodiam Castle
and its surrounding landscape becoming something of a cause célèbre (Fig. 2).
Despite a number of rear guard actions fought by traditionalists by
2005 Robert Liddiard was able to write, ‘rather than judging castles as
military buildings the historiographical trend is now to see them as
noble residences built in a military style (Liddiard 2005: xi ). These
arguments were largely developed in the context of English castles
built during the late fourteenth and fifteenth centuries but Creighton
has carried the debate back to the early medieval period
(Creighton 2002) whilst Johnson has expressed similar convictions about
the reuse and lingering popularity of military styled structures into
the early modern period. In particular he argues for an understanding
of these elite buildings which is much more complex and nuanced and
firmly rooted in a sense of the psychological ‘otherness’ of those who
used or were used by these structures. (Johnson 1999).
Fig. 2 Bodiam Castle, view from the south-east
the discussion that follows we shall use some of Johnson’s categories
to explore the continuing significance of employing military
styling to structures which were focuses for conflicts of a
non-military kind arising out of the changing cultural identities of
the elite. Johnson describes in an earlier piece, albeit
partially repudiated in his 1999 paper, how ‘aristocracy and upper
gentry in 16th-century England manipulated symbolic structures relating
to the feudal past to lend ideological support to the Tudor social
order. ‘ (Johnson 1992: 45). The emphasis is on control and power but
as often in such cases control and power are closely shadowed by
insecurity and paranoia. Whilst acknowledging the importance of these
symbolic architectural gestures we will concentrate on the implications
of real or imagined threats and the physicality of the
Security and the Elite
need, therefore, to consider the nature of the threats to both
individual security and the well being of the household as experienced
by Tudor elites. In traditional accounts the impact of new
technology figures large, especially increasingly powerful artillery
(O’Neill 1960) and the resulting evolution in defensive forms, notably
the bastioned trace, normally regarded as having been developed in
Italy (Hughes 1974: 77 ). However as military responsibilities shifted
largely in the direction of a centralized state, security remained an
important consideration for the elite. More recent accounts stress the,
‘emergence of institutions which effectively defined and enforced
ownership rights’ (Anderson 1992) and it is in defence of these and the
system supporting the nation’s great landowners that ‘military’
architecture continued to be practiced.
Clearly, for the
Renaissance elite, threats came from a number of directions: from the
unruly peasantry to over-bearing monarch (Figs. 3 and 4). If it were possible
quantify these risks and demonstrate that the response to threat as
expressed through contemporary buildings is in proportion to the risk –
actual or perceived - then we would have done something to rehabilitate
the defensive credentials of some early modern ‘castles’
not their military ones. We will sketch out some of the areas likely to
cause concern to Tudor or Elizabethan magnates and indicate the nature
of the physical responses
that were made.
 |  |
Fig. 3 Unruly peasantry, 16th. C woodcut | Fig. 4 Over-bearing monarch, Henry VIII from an engraving of 1646 |
the ‘have nots’ rub shoulders with the ‘haves’ the illicit transfer of
property down the social chain is a common phenomena. Cockburn in his
preliminary analysis of crime in England in the late sixteenth century
notes, “thefts involving an element of breaking… were running at about
25% of all crimes against property up to 1598. (Cockburn 1977). In
Elizabethan England there was a strong connection between famine and
theft. For example in Essex in the years 1592 – 4 the average number of
prosecutions per year for theft were 78.6, as compared with 178.3 for
the famine years of 1595 – 7 (Walter and Wrightson 1976: 24). Whilst
these figures do not seem unduly high compared with modern crime rates
they are illustrative of the tendency in societies under stress for
threats to property to increase and there were plenty of stressful
passages throughout the early modern period: from the religious
upheavals of the reformation to the collapse of the wool trade. The
elite households were often reservoirs of prosperity and as we shall
see elements of military styled building helped prevent that wealth
‘leaking’ away.
Peasant uprisings were not
particularly common occurrences, for example only 45 outbreaks of
rioting were recorded between 1585 and 1660 (Walter and Wrightson 1976:
26) and they were rarely violent. Hindle describes a exception in a
series of anti – enclosure riots known as the Midland Rising of 1607
which ended in pitched battle at Newton in Rockingham Forest on June
8th. During the course of this something like 1,000 levelers were
driven off and around 50 dispatched on spot. Many others were rounded
up and executed after the event. Although there are few instances of
these ‘rebellions of the belly’ (Hindle 2003: 137) resulting in direct
attacks on the grand houses, ‘It is abundantly clear that
were very often terrified’ (Hindle 2003: 140), a terror prompted by,
‘the propertied classes’ fear of the collective disorder hunger might
breed’ (Walter and Wrightson 1976: 26). The fact that few great houses
were attacked does not diminish the significance of having a strong
house, similarly, the dearth of medieval sieges does not completely
negate the effort that went into building castles in the 12th. and
13th. centuries (Liddiard 2005: 72)
Disputes with peers
narrative of demilitarization and pacification of early modern elites
by the Tudor dynasty was followed by a shift in values so
‘by the early seventeenth century the martial and chivalric codes of a
warrior caste were transmogrified into the civic and humanist ethos of
a service nobility (Hindle 2003, 132) In short one was more likely to
be hit by a writ than a sword. However, there were still disputes which
were settled by resorting to arms. An instance is referred to in
connection with Ightham Mote, Kent. Its new owner, Sir Richard
Clements, reconstructed the house between 1521 and 1529 and in doing so
retained many medieval defensive features. In 1534 he
together a large band of around 200 to settle a dispute over land
presumably by intimidating his opponent if not resorting to open combat
( Starkey 1982 cited by Johnson 1992). Whatever the case this
indicates a climate where it still made sense to surround your house
with stout walls and a water filled moat.
Fig. 5 Ightham Mote, Kent, from south
High Crimes of State
much of the plotting and political maneuvering which took place during
the period was within the immediate ambit of the court, there was still
a sense that a powerful lord required a powerful seat. This could
rebound; if the sovereign believed that the construction was too
prestigious it could contribute to the downfall of its lord as in the
classic case of Cardinal Wolsey who handed over the recently built
moated and turreted Hampton Court to Henry VIII in 1525. (Osborne 1982:
32). Occasionally open rebellion broke out as in 1569 when Thomas
Percy, Seventh earl of Northumberland garrisoned his castle at
Warkworth so strongly that, ‘Sir John Forster, then Lord Warden of the
Middle Marches, had great difficulty getting possession of it for Queen
Elizabeth 1’ ( Honeyman and Blair 1990 ). This demonstrates that at
least some members of the elite retained some military capability
almost as insurance should it ever become necessary to rise against the
monarch. In extremis a defended house could be viewed as a refuge
against pursuing forces as was the case with Coughton Court in
Warwickshire following the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 (fig.6).
Fig. 6 Coughton Court by A.F. Lydon c. 1880
The Material Response
order to consider responses to these and other threats to security we
will start by examining features which Johnson analyses as relating to,
‘an underlying symbolic structure articulating a set of ideas about the
‘feudal’ past’ (Johnson 1992: 47). Whilst recognizing the validity of
these symbolic interpretations we will attempt to broaden the
discussion to include the continuing need for potential castles and
rebuilt castles to define and control a protected space. Johnson
explores moats, crenellations, gatehouses and display as his
starting points and we will retain this order before finishing with a
look at aspects of planning.
The role of water filled
ditches and associated features round a variety of medieval
late medieval monuments has been seen as multivalent (Taylor 1978: 5 -
8). Whilst undoubtedly providing a fine reflective setting for a grand
house moats in the early modern period continued to offer enhanced
security against the possibility of anything from a sneak thief to a
full blown military raid. Much has been made of ease with which the dam
controlling the moat around Bodiam Castle could be breached (Coulson
1991: 7) but even if the moat were drained a considerable
of knee deep mud would continue to be a significant barrier to most
incursions. The fact that moats were understood to be
to fulfill their protective function is borne out by one of
Shakespeare’s most celebrated extended metaphors:
‘This precious stone set in the silver sea,
Which serves it in the office of a wall
Or as a moat defensive to a house’
(Richard II Act 2 scene 1 46 – 48)
a licence to crenellate was in Coulson’s words, ‘almost the trademark
of the medieval English arriviste’ ( Coulson 1982: 70), indeed in the
instance of Sir John de Cobham’s 1381 award he was so pleased with
his he recorded it on a copper plate on the outer gate of
Castle, Kent (Fig. 7). His oversized and rather fanciful crenellations and
machicolations have, as we shall see, been held up as an example of a
military styled structure with sociological and possibly metaphysical
significance but little practical use. In the same way
crenellations on ecclesiastic precinct walls have been viewed as
symbolic of the church’s secular power, however, at the same time they
show, ‘how the lesser dangers of intrusion and mob violence were met by
a graduated response’ (Coulson 1982: 69 ).
Fig. 7 Cooling Castle, anonymous print of 1823
analysis of the opportunities, frequently realized, that gatehouses
offered for display has been well developed (for example Creighton
2002: 66). As a component of what Liddiard calls, ‘the martial front’
(Liddiard 2005: 127) the gatehouse not only loomed large in a
monumental sense but frequently presented itself as a canvas on which
family pretensions and loyalties could expressed through heraldic
devices (Johnson 1992: 47). Indeed there seems to have been
something of a cultural arms race in the Tudor period with gatehouses
of increasing splendour running from Oxburgh Hall, Norfolk (1482)
through the great gatehouse at Hampton Court (1521), the Holbein Gate
at Whitehall (1532), Sir Richard Rich’s Leez Priory , Essex (1536 ),
Titchfield Abbey, Hampshire (1538) to Nonsuch Palace, Surrey (1540). If
this were an evolutionary process on might expect that the
extraordinary eight storey extravaganza at Layer Marney, Essex would be
the culmination of the sequence but in fact it was completed around
1523. Impressive though these structures were we must not loose sight
of the fact that they were also gateways through which access could be
controlled and when closed for the night, denied. Returning to
Shakespeare the figure of the querulous gatekeeper in Macbeth must have
been a familiar one. Comedic though his scene is it takes nothing away
from the gatekeeper’s role in controlling entry to the castle. Johnson
notes that during the Tudor period space became ‘increasingly
segregated’ (Johnson 1992: 49) in which case the main gate is the first
‘filter’ on the flow of visitors which became progressively restrictive
as the as the person of the elite was approached. (Fig. 8 a and b).

8 a) Potential ‘check’ points as visitors approach private
b) Access diagram
showing tree-like structure indicating the degree of inaccessibility
(West 1999: 108)Although
this is normally seen as a social ‘apartness’ it is reasonable to also
view the process in terms of personal security. Johnson gives an
account of the rebel visitation to Wressle Castle, East
where a crowd approached the gates to demand that Percy, Earl of
Northumberland, lead their uprising. The castle is described as, ‘a
stage setting for a complex piece of political theatre’ (Johnson 1999:
72). This is certainly the case but Percy must also have felt much more
comfortable about maintaining the diplomatic fiction of illness with a
stout and no doubt heavily barred door between him and the mob (Fig. 9).
Fig. 9 Wressle Castl3 from the south-east
have responded in varying ways over the years to the spectacle of
military ‘hardware’: merlons and crenels, drawbridges and portcullises,
arrow loops and gun loops ‘bolted’ on to buildings of questionable
defensive value. These responses have varied from Alan Sorrell’s
comment on Herstmonceaux, Sussex, ‘a play castle built by a tired old
soldier to remind him of battles of long ago’ (Sorrell 1973: 66) to
Johnson’s remark about Warkworth Castle, Northumberland, ‘(it) is a
piece of architectural symbolism as witty and as complex as anything
from the Italian Renaissance’ ( Johnson 1999: 76). In most of these
comments there seems to be a dichotomy between military value and
decorative embellishments. Either a fortification is grim and dour and
functional or else it is frivolous and stands solely as a testimony to
its builder’s power or playfulness. In responding to Johnson’s plea for
a more nuanced approach to these complexities it is worth pointing out
that display has also always played a vital role in military operations
from the elaborate elevated headwear sported by Napoleonic soldiers to
the extraordinary cold war game of bluff and counterbluff played out in
the Red Square May Day parades. To make oneself appear
stronger, fiercer during the build up to conflict, or better the
avoidance of conflict, is a strategy so fundamental as to be almost
biologic. As Liddiard reminds us, ‘Building a residence in martial
style could be an excellent way in which to display potential physical
power’ (Liddiard 2005: 147) or equally to influence or
potential attackers to the point where their combat efficiency is
courtyard house is a well recognised category of residence in the late
medieval and early modern periods. (Thompson 1987: 43 – 70).
Early examples can be described as having grown piecemeal with offices
added on to a hall and solar block and then later accretions joining to
embrace an enclosed area as at Penshurst Place, Kent (1341 – 1579) or
Ashby-de-la-Zouch Castle, Leicestershire (1160 – 1483). Later
constructions adopted the courtyard format from the outset as seen at
Wingfield Manor, Derbyshire (1437 – 1455) or Cowdray House, Sussex
(1520) Other buildings retained the concept of the defended
enceinte but in a considerably weakened form as at Cooling
Castle, Kent (1380) or Baconsthorpe, Norfolk (1460) (Fig. 10) Whatever
the case there were clear benefits to be had from arranging
accommodation around a central courtyard, benefits shared by late
medieval colleges and hospitals. As well as conferring feelings of
security and solidarity – what Johnson calls the expression of, ‘the
notion of community’ (Johnson 1992: 49) the courtyard plan has many
practical advantages relating to the control of resources and the
management of risk. Casual incursions are prevented, visitors are
monitored and controlled and strangers easily identified within the
community of the courtyard.
Fig.10 Late Medieval courtyard Castles
Case Study.
the supplementary notes to ‘The Historical Archaeology of England’ we
read that, ‘Matthew Johnson uses Cooling as the first example in his
2002 book 'Behind the Castle Gate: Medieval to Renaissance' to critique
the simplistic military interpretation of medieval castle architecture’
(HAE 2011). Indeed he does and in some respects Cooling seems an easy
target with its exaggerated profiles and flimsy walls (Fig. 11). Most
telling is its apparent vulnerability to a brief attack with the
defenders capitulating after a few hours thus destroying any military
credibility. A closer examination of the events of 1554 may give us
pause for thought:
'Wyatt’s force, 2,000 strong, came before the
castle at eleven o’clock A.M. and battered the great entrance of the
outer ward with two great guns, while the other four were laid against
another side of the castle. Lord Cobham defended his house with his
three sons and a handful of men till five o’clock in the evening,
having no weapons but four or five handguns; several of his men had
then been killed, the ammunition was nearly expended, and the gates and
drawbridge so injured that his men began to murmur and mutiny. So he
was obliged to yield' (Mackenzie 1896: 11).
However unconvincing
we may feel Cooling Castle is as a military structure it enabled Cobham
to mount a sufficiently effective defence by a small household against
a much larger attacking force. When he was later arrested by Elizabeth
the simple fact of his stout resistance may have been enough to save
his life.
Fig. 11 Cooling Castle, Kent
did castles continue to be built or re-built in the early modern
period? Well we have examined something of the importance of display
and clearly symbolic meanings relating to a nostalgic view of past
feudal glories or current statements of social or economic power were
important. However, whilst recognising that the main tide of military
advances had passed them by military styled buildings still offered
significant degrees of protection to a variety of other threats to
household security. The cultural identities of the elite had undergone
a transformation into something more closely defined by
to the emerging capitalist ethic based on the accumulation of private
wealth which could be expressed through but also protected by what in
purely military terms was an archaic structure – the towered and
turreted castle.
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